Vitamin C Fertility Dosage

Vitamin C Fertility Dosage

Fertility Supplements

July 13, 2020

Experiencing infertility and undergoing fertility treatments, can be a difficult journey and sometimes it can feel like we have no control. That's why it's important to take back control where we can, managing things like our diet and what supplements we take is an easy and non-invasive way to do this.

For more information on how to feel prepared for IVF read our article.

Why do I need to take vitamins or fertility supplements?

There is a lot of discussion around whether taking fertility supplements and vitamins can help increase fertility. Everyone's body is different and will react differently, some people swear by them whereas others don't see as conclusive results. However, what we do know is that vitamins play an essential role in all our bodily functions, including our reproductive system. Vitamins are used in

• Menstruation and ovulation in women
• Thyroid function
• Energy production
• Immune function
• Egg quality and maturing

If we are deficient in certain vitamins it can help to take supplements and in some cases can help reduce symptoms of infertility such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Taking fertility tablets isn't something only women should consider, certain supplements have shown to increase sperm quality and motility also.

Please note that we should always aim to get as many vitamins, minerals and nutrients through a healthy diet and taking supplements should never be in place of a balanced diet. Read our advice on the Fertility Diet here.

Always consult a doctor

Our reproductive systems are complex and everyone's body has different needs, that's why it's so important to consult a doctor before taking any supplements. Especially because taking the right amount of vitamins/minerals is critical as we need to create the correct environment for a healthy pregnancy. Some vitamins can have an undesired affect if too much is taken or they interact with other medications being taken, so it is always important to discuss your personal history with doctor. At The Evewell our fertility experts can help you make the right decision. If you are considering taking fertility supplements or need any other fertility advice please get in touch with us by emailing or giving us a call on 020 3974 0950.

What supplements should I take to increase fertility?

We have broken down our supplement recommendations by who they are most suitable for. Read on to find out what supplements increase fertility in men and women.

Fertility supplements for both women and men

1. Acetyl L-carnitine

Advantages for women: acetyl L-carnitine contains antioxidants that help promote a healthy female reproductive system

Advantages for men: helps sperm motility (the way it moves)

Acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) is a form of the amino acid L-carnitine (LC), which helps turn fat into energy and occurs in the body naturally. It is thought to help slow down the ageing process to the reproductive system.

Acetyl L-carnitine has stronger antioxidant properties, which are particularly more helpful for female fertility than LC. However, taking both (ALC) and (LC) together can help with PCOS, endometriosis and the absence of a period (amenorrhea).

Dose: Ranges between 1-3g per day for both males and females

2. B vitamins (other than folic acid)

Advantages for women: B vitamins can help promote improved egg health and prevent ovulatory infertility

Advantages for men: they can improve the quality of sperm

Folic acid is a B vitamin, which is usually used to help with pregnancy and fertility for women. However, there are other kinds of B vitamins which have many helpful properties as they are important for the formation and functioning of red blood cells. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, are all associated with a lower risk of the ovulation disorder, ovulatory infertility. Vitamin B12 in particular, has been linked to increasing fertility in women undergoing IVF or other fertility treatments, whereas low levels of B12 have been linked to female infertility.

Dose: A B-complex multi vitamin can usually provide a lot of your recommended B vitamins

3. Calcium

Advantages for both men and women: increasing your calcium intake can prevent a deficiency

Advantages for men: calcium can help create sperm

It is important to ensure we don't encounter any deficiencies whilst trying to conceive as we want to ensure the body is working at it's optimum. Calcium is also important in the development of a baby's bones, blood vessels and heart. However, more specifically a calcium deficiency in men could cause infertility issues as it helps the production of sperm.

Dose: It's always better to get calcium from a healthy diet such as eating full fat yogurt, cheese and dark leafy greens (e.g. spinach). However, if you are deficient it would be recommended to take 1000mg a per day

4. Coenzyme Q10

Advantages for women: coenzyme Q10 can help improve the ovarian response to IVF

Advantages for men: it can improve sperm motility

Coenzyme Q10 is an enzyme which is created in the body naturally and helps generate energy in our cells, however unfortunately as we get older it's production can decrease. Increasing it again using a supplement may help fertility, especially when going through IVF.

Dose: Dosage varies depending on your specific needs however, anything between 300-1000mg a day for women and 200mg a day for men may be recommended

5. Vitamin D

Advantages for women: Vitamin D can help with ovarian stimulation

Advantages for men: it can help with improving semen quality

We can usually form vitamin D from receiving sun on our skin, however a lot of us don't get the amount we need. Vitamin D plays an important role in the reproductive systems of both men and women and low levels can be associated with infertility and PCOS in women.

Dose: 1000 IU or less for women and between 2000-4000 IU for men could be recommended

6. Vitamin E

Advantages for women: Vitamin E can generally boost female reproductive health and help with good endometrial development

Advantages for men: it can improve sperm motility

Vitamin E is an antioxidant and can increase fertility for both men and women. Low levels of Vitamin E has been linked to infertility in both sexes.

Dose: 15mg per day

7. Omega-3's

Advantages for women: omega-3's can be particularly helpful to women over 35

Advantages for men: it can improve sperm quality overall

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to our body and have been linked to improved embryo implantation, decreased premature labour, improved sperm motility, morphology and quantity.

Dose: It's better to get try and get these from a healthy diet, eating things such as fatty fish and nuts. However, if you do require a supplement, we recommend 500-100mg daily

8. Selenium

Advantages for women: Selenium can be linked to reduced risk of miscarriage

Advantages for men: it can also improve sperm quality overall

Selenium is a powerful mineral which plays an essential role in the functioning of the body and is particularly important in the reproductive system. It can also help promote healthy follicles in the ovaries.

Selenium deficiency has been linked to miscarriages and low semen quality and motility.

Dose: 50mcg per day

9. Zinc

Advantages for women: Zinc can help with fertilisation and egg development

Advantages for men: it can help improve sperm quality

Zinc supports fertility by regulating hormone functions, cell division and ovulation. Despite being essential, our bodies do not store zinc, so it can be required to take zinc supplements. Zinc deficiencies are linked to lower sperm quality and taking more time to conceive.

Dose: 8mg is recommended for women and 11mg for men

10. Probiotics

Probiotics are good for everyone and help maintain a healthy gut, which improves the health of our whole body, reproductive system included.

11. Multivitamins

Multivitamins can be a good way to ensure you are getting a lot of the vitamins you need to help increase fertility, all in one go.

Prenatal multivitamins for women should include roughly 400mcg folate, 300mg choline, 150 iodine, 18g iron and 600 IU Vitamin D. Whilst for men you should look out for multivitamins with plenty of antioxidants and Vitamin C, E and Zinc.

Fertility supplements for women

1. Folic acid / folate

Advantages: helps pregnancy and the outcome of fertility treatments

As mentioned above folic acid is a B Vitamin, it is the synthetic version of folate which is naturally formed in the body.

It is relatively common have a mutation in the gene of the enzyme that activates folic acid by converting it to folate. Because of this, it is preferable if you take (methyl)folate rather than folic acid, as this is the active form of the vitamin.

Dose: Between 400-800mcg per day should be taken at least a month before trying to conceive.

2. Iron

Advantages: helps prevent anaemia

An iron deficiency can cause ovulatory deficiency and poor egg heath.

Dose: Roughly 27mg of iron per day

3. Myoinositol

Advantages: it can help with cycle regulation, mood stability and PCOS

Inositol is a carbohydrate similar to a vitamin and can help with a range of fertility issues.

Dose: Depends on your specific needs, please consult a doctor if you are considering taking inositol.

4. L-Arginine

Advantages: can help if your protein intake is low and so may be helpful for vegetarians/vegans

L-Arginine is an amino acid which occurs naturally in the body and can help improve the thickness of the lining of the uterus.

Dose: 1000-2000mg daily

Male fertility supplements

1. Vitamin C

Advantages: helps support sperm quantity and mobility

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can reduce cellular damage throughout the body. It is thought to improve the number, mobility and general quality of sperm.

Dose: 90mg

2. L-Citrulline

Advantages: improves quality of semen

L-Citrulline is a source of L -Arginine and can help improve the quality of semen from mobility, motility to quantity.

Dose: 2g daily

Categorised in: Fertility Advice

Vitamin C Fertility Dosage


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